Saturday, September 7, 2019


Annyeong ~ hai.. kalian apa kabar? Hope you all good, healthy and happy ya, kalo aku..bentar.. bentar inhale..exhale… huh… hah… huh… hah… tarik nafas panjang dan buang perlahan, kondisi ku baik, hanya saja lagi kena syndrome post-concert depression. Apa sih PCD ini ? menurut mbah google sih ya, ini tuh kondisi yang dimana dirasakan oleh fans/penonton pasca nonton konser idolanya. kondisi dimana kita menolak lupa, menolak move on dari acara itu karena you don't know what to do with your life because your life is so boring outside of a concert. Gejalanya bisa nangis, gak nafsu makan dan kadang jadi pendiam. Nah, aku ini team yang masih suka terharu, nangis, masih berasa excited-nya dan pengen banget liat konser mereka lagi. Anywaaaaay, I'M SO HAPPY FINALLY AFTER "RATUSAN PURNAMA" I GOT A CHANCE TO SAW THEM LAST SATURDAY 31.08.19 please noted, that day is a part of my history in my life *I’m too busy crying over here lol.

Monday, July 1, 2019

2moons2 The Series Review (A BRAND NEW OF 2MOONS)

Finally … the series that I’ve been waiting for like.. forever is in d’house now. I’ve been hyped up to this series since the workshop start. Honestly, at first I’m a lil bit disappointed because as you know they changed the cast from Season 1 not just for Phana but ALL the cast. When the audition start I saw some familiar actor like Fluke, Mew, Arm etc. I thought they will be chosen but I was wrong. All the character for 2moons2 is really A NEW FACE and they are really new actor who must be trained not just their acting but singing and play instrumental also. I was worried whether their acting will be good? Will their not awkward and have a good chemistry with each other? Well, I think I was worried for nothing when I was  watching 2moons2 episode 1 last Saturday. OMG its blew my mind . YESSS I kept re-watching episode 1 till now . without further ado let’s get to know 2MOONS2 (note : I will mix Bahasa and English, please bear with me :D) 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Solo Traveling in Bangkok 5N6D on Budget

Been solo for my entire life so when I was going to do solo travelling, why not? That’s your life, just do whatever you wanna do. Impulsively bought my flight ticket just 4 or 5 days before travelling.. ALONE . that’s the most NEKAT thing that’s I’ve ever done in my life. Hahaha anyway, salah satu hal yang paling memotivasi untuk pergi sendiri karena rasa kekecewaan yang begitu besar yang terjadi beberapa waktu lalu dan kayak butuh healing time nih, butuh ME time banget nih. Maka, terjadilah solo travelling ini yang ternyata bikin nagih and I want to do it again. Disini aku bakal share itinerary untuk kamu yang mau solo travelling tapi on budget. So keep reading…

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Just 2 weeks ago, aku memberanikan diri untuk solo travelling. Ya walaupun travelingnya sih ke Negara yang udah sering aku kunjungi, Negara tercinta yaitu Thailand but still you will feel excited, scared and insecure because the feels was just so different when you travel with friends or family. Bedanya adalah saat traveling bersama teman atau keluarga, kamu punya seseorang who you can depend on but when you travel alone, you have to be aware all the time with the situation around you. The most fun thing is you don’t have to argue where you want to go first, what you want to eat, what you should do first bcs you have to make your own decision to go somewhere, to buy something, what to eat, to do what you wanna do and trust me… it was incredible and amazing experienced for me and I want to do it again in the near future, the common things that you should know before solo travelling :

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Sawasdee kaa everyone . been away for these past months bcs of my work load but now I’m free again so maybe I will start to active to write in here again until I get a new job . Jadi, seperti judulnya I want to throwback to November 22nd 2018 I went to Bangkok – Chiang Mai – Bangkok to witness a Loy Krathong & Yi Peng Festival. Gimana sih perayaan Loy Krathong & Yi Peng Festival ini di Thailand, lebih tepatnya di Chiang Mai ?